Colors May 16 12:17

Cobalt May 15 12:43

lunedì 25 aprile 2016

\Cobalt (preview) is a fascinating element with several interesting characteristics and applications. Here are some curiosities about cobalt: 1. Colorful History: The name "cobalt" is derived from the German word "kobalt" or "kobold," which means goblin or evil spirit. This is because cobalt ores were notoriously difficult to smelt due to the arsenic they often contained, leading to toxic fumes. 2. Vibrant Color: Cobalt compounds are widely used in the production of vivid blue pigments, such as cobalt blue. This pigment has been used in pottery, glassware, and paints for centuries. 3. Vitamin B12: Cobalt is an essential component of vitamin B12, also known as cobalamin. This vitamin is crucial for the proper functioning of the nervous system, DNA synthesis, and red blood cell formation in humans. 4. Cobalt-60: Cobalt-60 is a radioactive isotope of cobalt that is used in a variety of applications, including cancer treatment (radiation therapy), sterilization of medical equipment, and food irradiation to extend shelf life and kill bacteria. 5. Magnetostriction: Cobalt exhibits a phenomenon called magnetostriction, where it changes shape when placed in a magnetic field. This property makes cobalt useful in devices like magnetic sensors and actuators. 6. Superalloys: Cobalt is a key component in the production of superalloys, which are used in high-temperature applications such as jet engines, gas turbines, and industrial gas turbines due to their excellent strength and corrosion resistance at elevated temperatures. 7. Cobalt in Batteries: Cobalt is an essential component of many lithium-ion batteries, which are used in electronic devices like smartphones, laptops, and electric vehicles. However, there is growing concern about the ethical and environmental issues associated with cobalt mining, particularly in regions like the Democratic Republic of the Congo where child labor and unsafe working conditions are prevalent. 8. Meteoric Cobalt: Cobalt is found in some meteorites, often in association with nickel. These meteoric sources of cobalt can provide valuable insights into the formation and history of the solar system. 9. Cobalt Glass: Cobalt oxide is used to impart a rich blue color to glass, known as cobalt glass or smalt. This type of glass has been used historically in decorative objects, stained glass windows, and even in early photography.10. Cobalt Alloys in Orthopedic Implants: Cobalt-chromium alloys are frequently used in orthopedic implants such as artificial joints and bone plates due to their biocompatibility, strength, and resistance to corrosion.

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